About me
Professional photographer, born in Buenos Aires in 1969. Since 2008 up to date, he works as a freelance stock photographer in several stock galleries of England, and USA.
His photographs have been published in newspapers, books, travel guides and magazines, like: National Geographic (4 times, at N. G. News section, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVEL, and on-board book “Patagonia 2012”), NATIONAL GEPGRAPHIC LEARNINGS (Front Cover of Book: "Perspectives I"), The New York Post (USA), The Washington Post (USA - Sunday Travel section), National Geographic Learnings (Front Cover photo of "Perspectives 1" book), Svet Magazine(Czech Republic), "Photo Plus" magazine (U.K), GEO magazine (Spain, 2011), Digital Photo Magazine (USA), Home Page photograph for “Bing.com” , AA Guides (UK) "Essential Buenos Aires" (Cover and Back Cover- 2012), Lufthansa Travel Guide (City Guide Buenos Aires), Michelin Travel Guide, Lonely Planet Tavel Guide, The Rough Guides (Buenos Aires), The Guardian (UK), The Independent (UK), Travel And Leisure, Condé Nast Traveler (Web Site), Eascapism (Travel Magazine), Landscape Phoptography Magazine (USA-Europe), "The Economist" (Magazine), “Lugares Mágicos” (Cover- Spain), Guide: "Top Ten Buenos Aires" (DKTravel), , Finantial Times (Travel), Caribbean Airlines Magazine ("Caribbean Beat"), Cengage Book “Cuadros” (Cover), Books of “Aique-Larousse”, "Todo es Historia" Magazine (Arg., by Felix Luna), The cover photo of "Nueva Argentina turística" (La Nacion newspaper, Arg.), Telegraph (UK, Travel section), Metro (UK), VIA Magazine (USA), Evoke (Ireland, Travel section), DailyMail (UK), Art People Gallery (6 times), New Internationalist Magazine, between other publications in countries like:
Argentina, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Germany, Spain, Romania, Brazil, Greece, Netherland, Israel, Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Norway, Singapore, Czech Republic, India, Australia, South Korea, and internationally edited publications (worldwide).
During 2009 he was selected by the photographer Bob Krist (USA) for being his personal assistant and fixer for an article about Buenos Aires published by the National Geographic Traveler Magazine in March 2010.
Between 2005 and 2008 developed and edited several audiovisual and photographic works. Between them, the CD-ROM “Buenos Aires 3d”- the first interactive stereoscopic (3d) tour in South America with 640 3d stereo photographs and Tango music.
(See "Bs As 3D" page at https://photo-tours.wixsite.com/photo-tours/shop ).
In 2008 he creates “Argentimagenes Editions” in order to show the beauty of Argentina landscapes to the international public, through his own photographic work.
Since 2012, he was continuously working for Grupo Editorial Planeta doing entirely the photography of several institutional photographic books with the highest standards of quality.
In 2013 he published the book: "DESTELLOS DEL RIO DE LA PLATA" (GLIMMERS OF THE RIVER PLATE) and it is for sale here:
http://www.blurb.com/b/4327599-destellos-del-rio-de-la-plata (Full preview);
In 2014 was edited the photography book "Buenos Aires", made entirely with his photographs. (See
https://photo-tours.wixsite.com/photo-tours/shop )
Since 2013 up to date, he is running exclusive Photography Tours in Buenos Aires.
(PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES: www.phototoursbuenosaires.com.ar)
Since 2014, started working as part of the WORKSHOPS and PHOTO TOURS team in Argentina, for WWW.PHOTOWORKSHOPADVENTURES.COM
International Awards:
In 2017 PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES wins the "Best Cultural Tour Operator of the Year" award, by LUXURY TRAVEL GUIDE AWARDS. (https://www.ltgawards.com/de-index.html )
In 2018 PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES wins the "Exclusive Tour Operator of the Year" award, by LUXURY TRAVEL GUIDE AWARDS. (https://www.ltgawards.com/de-index.html )
In 2018 PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES wins the "Destination Specialists of the Year" award, by TRAVEL & HOSPITALITY AWARDS. (https://thawards.com/)
In 2019 PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES wins the "Innovative Tour Company of the Year" award, by TRAVEL & HOSPITALITY AWARDS. (https://thawards.com/)
In 2023, he starts working as a certified AIRBNB photographer in Buenos Aires.
Other Web Sites:
PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES: www.phototoursbuenosaires.com
Alamy Stock Gallery: http://phototoursbuenosai.wixsite.com/bernardogalmarini/stock
Fine Art Prints: http://1-bernardo-galmarini.pixels.com/